photo courtesy UCLA Athletics
"I wouldn't do this for just anyone. But for UCLA, I will."
Danial Johnson was just starting as an Assistant Director of Marketing for UCLA Athletics. And he had a dilemma.
Game atmosphere at Jackie Robinson Stadium wasn't as good as he knew it could be. UCLA had one of the best
baseball programs in the country. It just didn't always feel like it.
A little lost, Johnson decided to E-mail a former colleague from a collegiate summer baseball team he had
worked with in college — Dan Pfeifer, the announcer & music coordinator for the Lakeshore Chinooks back in
Johnson's home state of Wisconsin. Knowing Pfeifer raised the Chinooks' fan presentation to higher levels, he
wanted to know if there was anything Pfeifer could do from a distance.
"I like to keep a lot of what I do close to the vest," Pfeifer says. "I want my productions to feel unique. But Johnson
was very helpful with the Chinooks; a great colleague. And we're talking UCLA — the first university to reach 100
NCAA championships across all sports. When offered the opportunity to help a school like that, you do."
Pfeifer compiled a thorough document outlining possible promotions, as well as assembling a package of sound effects and list of songs that could be acquired to help boost atmosphere. Johnson was grateful, while Pfeifer merely made Johnson promise that if there was ever a need for someone to fill-in on mic at Pauley Pavilion or the Rose Bowl Stadium, Johnson would keep Pfeifer on the list of possibles, even if it involved a drop-of-the-hat flight from Milwaukee to L.A.
Don't know how to make your game production better? Pfeifer does.
Having worked thousands of games at just about every level in numerous roles, Pfeifer studies game production inside-out. Even when watching or attending events as a mere spectator, he gives thought to what works — and doesn't — to give fans their money's worth.
Accordingly, consider hiring Pfeifer to look into how he can make your game production better, including the following areas of focus:
OVERALL NEEDS ASSESSMENT: Don't know where to start? Bring in Pfeifer to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your current operation and report out in full. Then, consider further working with him to assist with his following areas of expertise upon his recommendations.
PERSONNEL CONSULTATION: Is the problem moreso not knowing who should do what, or even who to hire to do what's needed for good game operations? Let Pfeifer help your HR staff get the right organizational structure, as well as the right people in place.
GAME ENTERTAINMENT LOGISTICS, ORGANIZATION & SCRIPTING: Is your game script working for your marketing team & staff? Do your promotions not feel as lively as they could? Pfeifer can do a full evaluation, including what can be added or subtracted to make themed promotions better and more immersive.
PA ANNOUNCING: From what to say to how to say it, Pfeifer is an award-winning announcer. He can help improve your announcers' work and style.
IN-GAME MUSIC & SOUND EFFECTS: Music can add so much to a production. Check his "Why Dan?" Case Studies page to see how he tailors productions to his teams' demographics. He can help with yours, too, with a "teach a man to fish" approach that will allow you to continue to pick the right, new music and sound effects long after your consultation time has concluded.
Do note these are premium services. As outlined above, Pfeifer is cautious not to reveal too much of his own "secret sauce," nor can his complete feel for good operations necessarily be fully taught. The best way to master game operations is to go and watch many games over years, decades even, where pros are doing their job at the highest level. However, Pfeifer has done that, which is why he has such a good feel. Ideally, such services will not be offered to teams in Pfeifer's primary markets of Wisconsin and Illinois so as not to potentially conflict with his clients. Accordingly, travel and accommodations being provided, in addition to a consultation fee, will be expected.
Nonetheless, Pfeifer can almost certainly steer your operation toward being its best with creative, hands-on solutions that will focus on continued growth rather than one-time fixes. You probably can't offer the chance to announce at the Rose Bowl Stadium someday. But feel free to reach out to Pfeifer one of the contact channels above to see how he and you can work together in whatever ways can be negotiated.